Exploring the Diverse Realms of Commercial Photography

Photography can be an art, but most people buy a camera not only to take a beautiful picture and get likes but to make money from it. This area of photography is called commercial.

Professional photographer in Auckland NZ

For those who are tired of shooting flowers in a flower bed and want to step up to the professional level, we tell you what genres they go into along the way, as well as what a commercial photographer or Professional photographer in Auckland NZ should be able to do. 

Types of Commercial Photography

Commercial photography is any shooting where the author receives money for the work. Even a photo for documents can formally be classified as a commercial photo.

It is better to divide commercial photography into two large groups, and then break it down into specific genres.

B2C Commercial Photography

A B2C photo shoot (business-to-client) is a shooting for an ordinary person. The customer is neither a business nor an organization. Mother of a child who has a birthday; a girl who wants beautiful portraits for herself; A young man ordering a love story as an anniversary gift.

It's a niche that's easier to get started with. It is more difficult to reach businesses and brands, you need an extensive high-level portfolio to interest the company and go through all the stages of approval. It's easier with private commercial photography.

B2C Commercial Photography Genres

  • A report from a holiday or event. Birthday, christening, bachelorette party, party. A sought-after and profitable niche. The easiest way to find customers is in this segment.
  • Wedding photography. A hard, profitable, and responsible niche, where it is difficult to find a photographer who would like and can approach each shoot creatively. An original style requires experience and time, which is often not available at weddings, as well as the request of the newlyweds because many want "like everyone else". On the other hand, those authors who know how to adapt to the wishes of the client and at the same time express their vision have a price tag far above average.

B2B Commercial Photography

B2B (business-to-business) commercial photography is an organized photo shoot, where the customer is a company, organization, business, or legal entity. Commercial photographers in this niche often do not influence the development of the shoot, and sometimes even other people are engaged in post-processing. Here it is crucial to strictly follow the technical specifications. Now be able to understand the client, adapt to him, and also produce a high-quality result.

Website Photographers

The bigger and cooler the company or brand, the higher their requirements. Complex collage is often used in advertising shoots, a commercial photographer must be able to retouch in different techniques, solve complex problems, feel, & be able to work with color. Here in this category, you will find Website Photographers, who will help you with website photography.

B2B Commercial Photography Genres

  • Commercial photography for small businesses. It's a cross between B2B and B2C. Yes, you take promotional photos for your website, social media, or portfolio, but you work and coordinate everything with one person. For example, a master makes designer dishes from clay and wants to take a beautiful photo of the product, or a make-up artist asks to replenish the portfolio with high-quality photos with deep retouching, and not cloudy selfies on the phone.
  • Fashion photo. A genre where a commercial photographer shoots clothes. As in the subject, the author can shoot a simple catalog on a plain background, as well as image shootings, on which a huge team of make-up artists, stylists, and decorators works.

Commercial Photographer in Auckland

On commercial shoots for catalogs, a Commercial Photographer in Auckland needs to be hardy, be able to work quickly with huge volumes of things, and strictly comply with customer's requirements. Some brands think everything through in advance, and only after that, at the very end, choose a photographer who does not have any influence on the process. Others can set the direction, but give the author more freedom than just pressing a button.


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